In an official blog post, Telegram announced that it is adding one of the most long-awaited features, i.e. message reactions, along with some other features to its app. With the Telegram 8.4 update, users can now send message reactions to specific messages. Telegram users can now send their reactions using emojis to share their feelings and feedback without needing to send any message. In order to send a reaction, all you need to do is double-tap on a message. You can change your default reaction by heading over to Chat Settings > Quick Reaction. Notably, this feature is already available in other messaging clients, such as iMessage, Discord, and Slack. So, it is now good to see this feature finally go live for Telegram. Next up, Telegram is also adding bigger animated emojis effects. These new, bigger emoji effects are only visible when having one-to-one chats. Simply tap on the emoji that you have received to see a bigger and intricate emoji effect.

Telegram 8.4 update is already live for users to download from the Google Play Store

Further, the company is adding support for the “Spoiler Alert” feature. Simply select any part of your text and select Spoiler from the pop-up menu and your message will be hidden. The message will also be hidden from the notification. To view the hidden message, you need to tap on it. The in-app translation is also arriving with this new Telegram 8.4 update. Since Telegram allows you to connect with different people in public groups, there shouldn’t be any barrier related to language when connecting. Now, after updating the Telegram, users will be able to translate the app from the app itself. To enable translation, you need to head over to Settings > Language. The in-app translation feature works on all Android devices, but it is limited to iPhone running iOS 15 or higher. Moreover, users can now generate a QR code for a public username. Groups, channels, and bots are also supported. Users can share their QR codes, choose colors or patterns as per their liking. You can get a QR code for your username from Settings. If you haven’t updated the Telegram app on your device, then you can click here to download the latest app from the Google Play Store and enjoy all these amazing features.