Now you might be thinking, why would I want a DNA Test for my dog? Well there are a number of reasons why. Firstly, it’s cool to find out what kind of breed your dog is. And if they are still a puppy, it can help you find out how big they might get. On top of that, it can also tell you what health issues it might have down the road. Which is very important. Embark says that it screens for over 350 dog breeds, types and varieties. And it uses a research-grade genotyping platform developed in partnership with Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. It also claims to be the most accurate. Claiming that it can precisely detect breed contributions down to 5% of the total breed make. This makes Embark more than twice as precise as some of the competitors out there like WisdomPanel. With this DNA test, you’re going to be able to find your Dog’s relatives too. As Embark can connect you with other dogs that share the same DNA. It’s the only company that does this. Embark Dog DNA Test is really fast and easy to do. Simply swab their cheek and send it in. Within one to three weeks, you’ll have your results back. Which can all be viewed online. Embark also allows you to upgrade at any time to find out if it has any genetic health conditions.