What are the Curated Culture Wallpapers?

Google has some neat perks that are exclusive to its Pixel phones. One is the wide selection of wallpapers that you can assign to your phone. There are 14 different categories of wallpapers that you can choose, each category has a plethora of wallpapers. The Curated Culture category is one of the 14, and there’s a constant stream of new wallpapers added to it. This category has an emphasis on promoting artists from different cultures around the world. They’re for people who want to see unique art from different small-time artists around the world. If you have a Pixel device, you can access them easily. Tap and hold your finger on the home screen until you pull up the wallpaper popup. Tap on the Change Wallpaper button and you should see the 14 categories (it’s 15 counting the “My Photos” category). The Curated Culture category should be on the second row of categories.

Google’s new Pixel wallpapers are for those who love frogs

The latest batch of Pixel Wallpapers shows you a little scene with some happy little frogs. There are three wallpapers in all and they form one image when put together. The artist responsible for these wallpapers is known as @autumnalwood on Instagram. The scene depicts three frogs (actually stuffed animals) holding hands on a spring day. They’re standing under a tree in front of a small river. The wallpapers lean more toward the cooler side of the color spectrum with a lot of blues. The colors are a bit vibrant, but they’re slightly subdued. There are three wallpapers and three frogs. You can choose which one you like the best and assign it.