How would YouTube videos in Google Messages work?
The feature in question, shown in the images below running on a Samsung Galaxy S22 series handset, is no minor matter either. In fact, it’s a significant shift from how sharing YouTube videos in Google Messages currently works. Right now, if a YouTube link is sent in Google Messages, a preview thumbnail of the video is shown. A click on the associated link sends users out to the full YouTube app — or, for those who use Messages on their computers. With the change in place, the YouTube video starts playing in a preview once received. Then, with a tap on the video, the video can be taken full-screen. Complete with playback controls that aren’t wholly dissimilar to what’s found in the app. Albeit, somewhat limited. With only a timeline scrubber, link to the full app, and full-screen icons shown. Presumably, a tap on the video itself, outside of the bottom bar UI, will pause and play the video. Since those controls aren’t shown on-screen. That means that users won’t have to leave Google Messages to watch videos. Or, at the very least, videos shared from YouTube, for the time being.
When is this coming?
Samsung only just announced its Galaxy S22 series — and Galaxy Tab S8 series — today. And there’s been no word yet from Google or YouTube on the new integrated video feature in Messages. But that doesn’t really say much about when the new feature will arrive for users. It may be a timed exclusive for Samsung’s new flagship handsets. Or it could be ready within the week. Until the company says for sure, speculation is all there is.