Valve then regrettably issued a statement last year that it would have to delay the Steam Deck launch to 2022. While Valve didn’t initially offer up any exact dates up until now, the first wave of units were expected to launch in February. As of today, Valve has confirmed when customers can expect the first wave of units to head out. Interestingly, the Steam Deck reservation emails will go out on the exact same day as the launch.

Steam Deck reservation emails will go out on February 25

If you’re one of the lucky consumers who reserved a Steam Deck early enough, you’re likely in the first wave of orders. That means after today’s announcement, you can expect the email to purchase the Steam Deck to show up on February 25. The first wave of emails will begin to hit inboxes shortly after 10AM PST on that date. You should keep an eye out for one if your reservation says you have an expected ship date of Q1. If your expected ship date is Q2 and beyond, then you won’t be getting an email to order until later in the year. Valve also notes that emails to purchase the Steam Deck will go out in the order that reservations were made. So even if your expected ship date is Q1, that doesn’t mean you’re going to be the first person that gets to order one.

You can only order the Steam Deck you reserved

This should be common knowledge since Valve mentioned it last year. But you can only order the Steam Deck model that you reserved. That means if you reserved a 256GB model, you cannot place an order for the 512GB model. Additionally, your $5 reservation deposit will apply to the order of your Steam Deck. Valve doesn’t list shipping times for the Steam Deck. Only when orders can be placed. But it’s likely shipments will go out the same week. Valve states that it’s excited to get these out to consumers at the end of next month. Which suggests they’ll be landing on doorsteps not long after orders go through.