Fast forward to now, according to the official blog (via Android Police), a new update is rolling out for the Telegram app. Notably, the Telegram 8.3 update is jam-packed with loads of new features. Disappearing messages settings is getting a new ability for Telegram users. With the latest update, users can now delete a whole day of messages sent in a one-on-one conversation. In order to do this, all they need to do is open the chat, tap on the date or time bar that appears right at the top. This will open up the calendar. From here, you can select the dates they would like to delete. Taking the privacy level in groups a bit forward, Telegram 8.3 update adds a ‘Restrict saving content’ toggle. When this toggle is turned on, messages or media files from a group cannot be shared or forwarded. Moreover, screenshots will also get restricted.

Telegram 8.3 update will allow users to post in groups anonymously as a channel

Telegram is also changing the way someone adds a user to a group. Now, group admins can reach out to the user in response to a request the user has sent for joining the group. Users will be able to view information such as the group in which they are being contacted and when they have sent a request to join the group. This will give them clarity to make a decision if they wish to join a group or not. Posting in groups anonymously is also getting better with Telegram 8.3 update. Users can now tap on their avatars before commenting and choose a channel name instead to comment or post in groups. It allows you to interact with the group, with which you haven’t associated yourself. Additionally, a new way to verify is being added with the latest update. Apart from just receiving a code by SMS or call, when two-factor authentication is enabled, users will have another option to verify the last few digits of their phone number sending the call. Telegram is also adding a new sign-in method for desktops. With the new method, you can use your phone to scan a QR code in the web browser or app. Old sessions can now also be ended after a set period of time. Last but not the least, Telegram is adding the ability to set themes for individual chats. You can download the latest version of the Telegram app from the Google Play Store.

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