In Stray, for example, people around the world meowed over 1 billion times. If you haven’t played Stray yet, you play a cat and meowing is not only in the game as a cute nod to cats, but it also plays an integral role in acquiring some of the game’s achievements and progressing certain moments. In God Of War Ragnarok, which launched in November mind you, players have activated Rage Mode at least 850 million times. And they’ve punched 599 million chests. Naturally, these are cool stats to see. Especially if they’re for games you’ve personally played. But we all know why you come to the wrap-up. To see your own personal PlayStation stats for the year.
The 2022 PlayStation Wrap-Up shows your hours logged and more
The fun of these wrap-ups, and this one in particular, is seeing how much time spent you have in your favorite games. Or rather just seeing what your favorite game for the year happened to be. For me personally, it was Final Fantasy XIV. The Endwalker expansion just launched in December of last year. Which meant there was a ton of time this year to dive into everything the expansion had to offer. This led to over 1,200 hours in that game alone. And that doesn’t even count the amount of hours played on the Windows version. The wrap-up also shows you how many trophies you earned, and which other games you played. You can see your top 5 games played throughout the year. Sony seems to base this on how many hours you logged in each one. And in the wrap-up you can click on each game to see that information alongside the total annual playtime. When it comes to trophies, one really cool aspect is that the wrap-up shows you what your very first PlayStation trophy was, and what your most recent one was. Which is a neat way of remembering your time with PlayStation. You can view your own PlayStation Wrap-Up for 2022 here, and you’ll need to sign-in with your PSN account. You also need to have played more than 10 hours on PS4 or PS5 to see a wrap-up.