One issue with adding smart locks is that you need to replace the provided lock with a new one. They may also require you to do additional work on the door that’s just not allowed by the landlord.

This is where the Locky Flex Touch Pro comes in

If you’re looking to add some smart capabilities to your regular lock, then you might want to look into this device. With it, you’re not so much adding a smart lock as you’re retrofitting your existing lock. The Flex Touch Pro will look pretty normal from the outside. You’ll see the Locky-branded outer lock with the small fingerprint scanner on the bottom. This fingerprint scanner can hold up to 99 fingerprints, so you’ll be able to add friends and family if you so wish. It uses the company’s 3D biometric technology to ensure accuracy when scanning. On the inside, you’ll see the large module that holds all of the tech. It also has a manual lock that you can use to lock and unlock the door from the inside. While it’s large, it still has a sleek two-tone design that’s aesthetically pleasing.

If you’re looking forward to getting the Flex Touch Pro, you’ll need to wait a bit. This device is expected to launch sometime in the spring of this year. We don’t know the exact price, but we expect it to cost somewhere around $229. That seems like a decent price for what you’re getting.